Showcase Book of the Month

Do you filter through hundreds of books trying to find that one good book to read that meets your current needs? If so, I may have the perfect answer for you right here, the Showcase Book Of The Month. These books are God inspired books that are uplifting, timely and encouraging with spiritual teachings that are applicable to your daily living feeding your body, mind, and soul. I am so proud to introduce to you these handpicked books from my own bookshelf. I have made them easily attainable without any hassle. Because of my heartfelt love for God’s Word, I understand the great impact of sharing the many testimonies of God’s victory through deliverance and healing of His people from past struggles by removing the obstacles and traps that the enemy Satan has designed to kill our hope, faith, and Godly purpose which could ultimately destroy our lives. But God has equipped us with His Word and these gifted authors.

august 2023

July 2023

Are You And Your Spouse


The Same Language?

He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk.  She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal.  The problem isn’t your love - it’s your love language!

     In this international best seller, Dr. Gary Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways.  In fact, there are five specific languages of love:

v Quality Time 

v Works of Affirmation

v Gifts

v Acts of Service

v Physical Touch

     What speaks volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse.  But here, at last, is the key to understanding each other’s unique needs.  Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love – and feeling truly loved in return.

June 2023

not a fan.

Are you a fan or a follower?

The dictionary defines a fan as “an enthusiastic admirer..”  Fans want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires sacrifice.  Fans may be fine with repeating a prayer, attending church on the weekend, and slapping a Jesus fish on their bumpers.  But is that really the extent of the relationship Jesus wants?

Jesus was never interested in having admirers.  It’s not fans he is looking for.

Not a Fan challenges you to consider what it really means to call yourself a Christian.  With a direct frankness that you’re not likely to hear in Sunday school class, Kyle invites you to take an honest look at your relationship with Jesus.  His call to follow may seem radical to us, but Jesus desires it for every believer.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

May 2023

This Means War.

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you—your emotions, your mind, your family, your future.

But his reign stops right here, right now. With you. The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. A woman who is armed and dangerous.

The Bible study you are holding in your hands is more than just a biblical description of the believer’s inventory. It is an action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy. Yes. A strategy.


April 2023


The Life You Were Meant To Live

When the focus of the Christian life is on performance, we live by comparison, fear, and pride. When we focus on God’s grace, His amazing love destroys our fears. In Limitless, Ben Dailey reminds you that despite the cataclysmic disruption casused by sin, God has never given up on you. You don’t need to earn His love through duty or by proving yourself. Simply receive His love, bask in it, and let it change you from the inside out. Learn to believe that His grace and love truly are limitless.

March 2023


Being a leader does not mean we are absent of flaws; on the contrary, it means we have the ability to overcome them.  Why then do we fall?  Why do great leader have failures?  How does a successful person face the areas they are not successful in?  Are you divinely ordained but still leaning toward the things you should have left behind?  Which will reign in you when you have to choose between your divinity and your humanity?  Are you tired of being different?  WHY LEADERS FAIL is a concise and power-packed book that provides candid answers to all these questions and many others.  Utilizing the examples set forth in the Bible with such notable heroes as David, Samson, Elijah and Noah, Pastor Ronald Godbee reveals the challenges that leaders face and the scenarios that often occur the limitless possibilities of your leadership so you can discover a continuous realm of greatness.

February 2023


Moments of desperation in the healing battle of cancer are lightened by God’s Grace.  We cannot EARN God’s grace but there are VOLUMES we can learn from it.  The purpose of this writing is to reflect those “grace experiences” and trust that in doing so this book will be:

 *A GIFT of hope to others in the journey

*A CATALYST of encouragement to the “cheerleaders”

*A GUIDE to those who have never but may someday be “called” to the journey

*An APPARITION of “Random Acts” of love.

January 2023


Pressing Through Fear, Offense, And Negative Opinions to Fulfill God’s Purpose

The Word says that God gives every one of us a unique and vital supply to help us do our part in His great plan (Ephesians 4:16). But we also have an enemy that wants to stop our supply through any means possible.

In her book Unstoppable, Denise Renner brings fresh insight from God’s Word on how to overcome key hindrances that the enemy exploits to clog up our supply - whether it’s fear of man, rejection, unforgiveness, other people’s negative opinions, or even our own poor opinion of ourselves.

No one else can take your place; your part is absolutely crucial to God’s plan. So don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing what He wants you to do. This book will help you push past obstacles you may be facing so you can keep on pressing “…toward the goal for the prize of the upward call God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14 NKJV) - your place of limitless supply in Him!

December 2022

Stitches for Kindness

The Sharing Sisters make their third appearance in Stitches for Kindness, an adorable picture book with a lovely moral. In their first adventure, Seeds for Sharing, the sisters became winged garden fairies after raising a beautiful garden to help others. Next, the girls offered Lemons for Blessings by making lemonade for many of God’s helpers. In Stitches for Kindness, the girls are ready to provide more help. On a cold winter day, the Sharing Sisters learn that with a little kindness and a few stitches of clothing, they are able to deliver comfort once again to those negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 2022

Heart Work by Michal Logan

“But God they hurt me, my mom’s boyfriend touched me! They lied on me and started untrue rumors about me! They cheated on me, bullied me, and even took advantage of me! ITS JUST NOT FAIR!!!!”

Let me be the first want to say no, it’s not fair and that’s not the character or the image of God! From the bottom of my heart, I AM SO SORRY!!

Now I know what you are thinking, “Michal, You didn’t have to apologize to me, you didn’t do anything to me!” Yes, but however, I want you to remove me out of the equation and put God in my place. This is how God wants to talk to you. He’s such a loving God and here’s the thing, He knows that it hurt you, and still hurts you today, but he’s ready for you to heal and heal well! Wholeness is your portion, it’s what he wants for your life!

Ready, Set, HEAL!!

october 2022

Seeds for Sharing by Carissa Lovvorn

After their school closes due to Covid-19, two sad sisters are inspired by their mother to start a family garden. Through this process, they learn that it only takes a few seeds, a little dress-up, and the sharing of God's love to find happiness once again!

Lemons for Blessings by Carissa Lovvorn

With a little help from Daddy and some scrap wood and lemons, the Sharing Sisters learn about the wonders of God's Spiritual gifts while thanking those who served our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

September 2022

Pray to Win! By Angela Shelly Robinson

Are you praying but feel like nothing’s happening? Are you beginning to wonder if prayer really works or if God is even listening? Do you want to be powerful in your prayer life but not sure where to start?Are you facing an impossible situation and need God’s help right away? When life happens, and it happens to us all, we need to know how to pray skillfully, effectively, - powerfully. In Pray to Win, you’ll discover how you can be skillful and effective every time you pray. You’ll learn how you can do more than pray, you can pray to win! By consistently applying the keys described in this book, you will experience the same transformative power of prayer in your life that I did in mine. Listen, God is working to get a message to you. A message of hope and healing. A message that all things are possible with God! No matter how insurmountable the challenge you face may seem (and I’ve had my share), know that just you and God, through prayer, can pull the whole thing off! Yes, the incredible can happen for you! If you’re ready to experience God’s best in your life, if you’re ready to stop “hitting and missing” in prayer – if you’re ready to win, I urge you to read this book today.

August 2022

The Bait of Satan

The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God - offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. Jesus said, “ It is impossible that no offense should come” (Luke 17:1). Although you will encounter offense, you can choose how you will react.

In this new twentieth-anniversary edition, John Bevere show you how to identify the traps ahead of you and escape the victim mentality. With declaration-styel prayers and testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, this book will inspire you to stay free frrom offense and its destructive power.

Author: John Bever and his wife, Lisa, are the founders of Messenger International. A minister and best-selling author, John’s resources have been translated into over 90 languages. When he’s home, John tries to convince Lisa to take up golf and spends time with with his four sons, daughter-in-law, and grandbabies. To connect with John, be sure to follow him on Twitter (@johnbevere).

July 2022

Pocket Prayers: 100 Scriptures and Prayers

Walking through this journey called life, we are faced with many challenges. Oftentimes, we turn to friends and loved ones to find solutions, but we come up empty-handed or in a worse situation.

What if we could turn directly to the only solution to every one of our problems without hesitation? What if we could just dig into our back pocket or purse to have access to the answers we need?

Pocket Prayers is exactly what you need. This small but mighty book of prayers is ready at a moment’s notice to give you the words to pray when you have no words of your own.

Yolanda D. Turner has compiled one hundred scriptural prayers organized by everyday topics. Go into battle prepared to fight with the best weapon known to mankind, the Word of God. A Prayer Log is included in the back of this book to document your prayers as well as how and when God answers those prayers.

May Pocket Prayers be a timely source of encouragement, hope, and guidance as you pray from the position of victory.

June 2022

Leader’s Prayer Journal (Men’s)

Dr. Vinita Johnson is a retire United States Army Warrant Officer of 21 years of active service. She is a Bestselling Author and founder of The Women’s Empowerment Center. Her heart is to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to achieve their dreams through education, guidance, peer support, and mentorship. Her mandate is to equip, educate, and empower lives by offering programs through specialized workshops, group programs, and events that will inspire women to grow and develop long lasting relationships that influence their community in a positive way.

Leader’s Prayer Journal (Women’s)

For more information about Dr. Vinita Johnson, please click the button below.

May 2022

Thoughts of an Evangelist

Yes!! God still speaks! Quips, Quotes, and Conversations with God  are a compilation of conversation between me and God. Moments that I have encountered as I go along my day, week or month, Moments that have developed me on my spiritual walk.

These conversations tell of situations that have stopped me in my tracks and kept me from walking into trouble. They have also brought spiritual growth. They tell of moments when I needed Him the most and He just wanted me to know that He loved me and was hanging around to show me. These are the moments I wanted you to see so that you will know that you are not alone, and God is ready and willing to do the same for you. He is your Comforter and Guide. (John 15:26)

Remember, He made a promise. He said that HE would never forsake. God is the real “Ride Or Die” (Psalms 55:22), and He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). There are many moments here that you will be able to grab onto for your own personal use, so with highlighter and pencil on hand: Enjoy!

April 2022

30 Days Of Faith and Fun

As Adults, it is important to remember that God wants us to continue to grow in our faith, and to have fun doing so! This book has 30 days of encouragement along with 30 fun activities such puzzles, games trivia, and even a recipe!

60 Days of Faith and Fun

The aim of this book is for the children to be able to understand and have fun learning about God and His great love for them! 

I hope that every child who reads this book has fun learning and doing the activities.  Most of all, my hope is that they start to understand that God if for them and His love for them never quits!

March 2022

Called to Intercede

Dr. Monique Rodgers is an ordained Prophet, Global Leader, and Intercessor.  She carries the mantle of prayer and intercession.  In her very first collaboration with other intercessors, Dr. Rodgers includes the stories of other authors who have travailed through prayer and who have labored through intercession.  The call of both prayer and intercession is not one that is easy however with the support and strength of other intercessors the army of strength is dynamic.  Get ready for your prayer life to be shifted and transformed.  After reading this book you will experience a deeper level of prayer and experience God’s power in your life.  Dr. Rodgers is a published #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, Coach, mentor, CEO, global ambassador, and prayer hub leader for the city of Raleigh. She is also an international best-selling author of the book Accelerate.  She has published fourteen books in the genre of religion, Christianity, and inspiration. 


Morning Glory: Companion Journal

As you take time in your day for moments of stillness and communion with your loving creator through The Moring Glory Devotional, you will begin to see changes in everything about how your day unfolds and how you are able to handle what you encounter.

The Morning Glory Devotional was born out of Yolanda Turner’s quiet moments with our Heavenly Father and the deeper understanding of His word that came from intentional study and a willingness to spend time with Him every day, receiving His love and wisdom.

The unique 52-week devotional will walk you through a passage of scripture with commentary and a personal story of application from Yolanda’s own experience with the message.  Each week you will also receive guidance for digging deeper into the word, harvesting the blessings, and being nourished through praise and worship of the Father.


February 2022

Walking With My Saviour

Cassandra Gore Leslie was born in Birmingham, Al. She currently resides in Harvest, Alabama where she has been a member of New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church for 18 years. Since 1995, Cassandra has been a licensed Associate Minister at New Jerusalem Church where her Pastor is Rickey L. Sykes. Cassandra received a Bachelor of Theology degree from Huntsville Bible college in 1999. She enjoys writing for the Lord, along with teaching and preaching God’s Word under God’s anointing. Her ultimate ambition is to be obedient to God and remain faithful to His calling in her life.

To purchase this book for $12, please click below and email Cassandra directly.


January 2022

So Ordered! Issuing Restraining Orders Through Intercession

Explore the strategies that God has laid out for believers in his Word that we overlook. There are strategies in prayer that parallels or mimics the judicial system in the world, today. We only need to apply the tools God has already set in place in our everyday lives. One of the world systems we see or hear about every day is the legal system. What’s so awesome is that we can apply the scriptures to make declarations and petitions before the courts of Heaven just as in our current legal system. Learn how to navigate God’s courtrooms for yourself that give you the victory over situations in life. Prayer is the believer's weapons so lets take the limits off and pray outside the box.


December 2021

Accelerate: Advancing in the Kingdom of God

This book was written for the body of Christ for believers that have been waiting fervently on the promises of God to come to pass. This book will propel you into your next level and help you to experience the accelerated season of your life that has intended. Dr. Monique Rodgers provides spiritual insight into how God can help you to accelerate into your full potential in this season and beyond. Get ready to accelerate its your time to experience acceleration of the things of God.


November 2021

Praise is What I Do! No Other Option

- How do you respond to the daily challenges of life?

- How do you the storms of life?

- How do you cope with the unexpected twists and turns en route to your destiny?

- How do you handle the frustrations of failure and the dismay of disappointments?

- How do you manage your life to live "above" your circumstances?

These questions and more are answered and powerful insight for a more productive and positive life are shared within this book. The who, what, where, when, why, and how of praise are addressed. Learn to use the Word of God and prayer in a way that will take your praise to another dimension. Discover the process of moving from where you are to where God is via “Praise into Worship”.


October 2021

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Morning Glory Devotional Turns 3!

This month we are celebrating the 3 year anniversary of Morning Glory Devotional! To God be the Glory!

Finding time in our day for moments of stillness and communion with our loving Creator is a challenge we all face.

We know it would change everything about how our day unfolds and how we handle what we encounter. Yet, in the busyness of life, this vital practice is one the first things to be sacrificed.

After years of struggle, Yolanda Turner discovered that if she turned her heart toward God as soon as her eyes opened, she not only made the time for devotion, what she got from it was even more life-changing.

The Morning Glory Devotional was born out of her quiet moments with our Heavenly Father and the deeper understanding of His word that came from intentional study and a willingness to spend time with Him every day, receiving His love and wisdom.

This unique 52-week devotional will walk you through a passage of scripture with commentary and a personal story of application from Yolanda’s own experience with the message. Each week you will also receive guidance for digging deeper into the word, harvesting the blessings, and being nourished through praise and worship of the Father.

Give yourself the best possible start by greeting each day with Morning Glory and one-on-one time with God.


September 2021


Embracing the Battle:

Tried by Fire

No matter what you have gone through or perhaps even going through at this moment, you will find the strength to endure and overcome in the words of each chapter of this book. The key is never to give in or give up. If you fall, pick yourself up and walk boldly to the place of freedom, healing, and victory.

My sincere hope is that with each story shared, you can see that you are not alone in whatever you’re going through. Every day people go through trials that test them, but the key is to know that you can’t get to a place of victory without going through. With every prayer, tear, scream, and cry, strength is being fortified. Diamonds are made in the fire. In order to come out as a rare jewel, each of us must be TRIED BY FIRE.


August 2021

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The Power & Possibility of Prayer

This inspiring book will show you how El Shaddai, The Almighty God, can bless your life through prayer, as demonstrated in some of the most powerful and great biblical personalities. God caused them to triumph through their battles, burdens, and bruises despite their trials, troubles, and tragedies. God is Great! Let Him be great in you.


TV Programs: HSBN & Preach the Word Network


July 2021

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Fresh Oil: A Word for Dry & Difficult Days

Fresh oil lives up to its name. Dr. Eric A. Johnson speaks to our inner pains and struggles, and helps us see that blessings and healing are available. Just like fresh motor oil gives life to our cars, we all need the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit that recharges and reinvigorates our lives. In these times of brokenness, uncertainty and trouble, Fresh Oil provides Biblical principles that refresh the soul.



June 2021


Holy Spirit Ignored No More

Galatians 5:22-25 NIV says “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”

The only problem is that you can’t produce the Fruit of the Spirit if you don’t have any Roots in the Spirit. If you are going to be a mature Christian that produces Godly results you must be rooted and connected with the person of the Holy Spirit. This book will offer practical disciplines and strategies on how to develop a real and genuine relationship with the power, presence and yes the personality of God’s Spirit. In this body of literature, I’d like to formally introduce you to the God in you. After reading this book, my prayer is that what you have known in the past as the Fire of God, you will know to be as a Friend from God.




May 2021

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The Book on Forgiveness

If you have been harboring unforgiveness, whether intentionally or because you’ve just felt stuck in moving forward with forgiveness, I can predict at least one thing about your life: you are exhausted. This book teaches specific principles and skills to help you experience authentic forgiveness for even the deepest wounds. Peace is not the purpose of forgiveness, but it is the inevitable byproduct of practicing forgiveness. If you still need to forgive anyone, even yourself, the messages in this book will change you as you open yourself to the peace that comes from glorifying God through forgiving others.

Social Media Outlets
Facebook: @DrDeeKnight

Instagram: @DrDeeKnight

Twitter: @DrDeeKnight

YouTube: @DrDeeKnight


April 2021

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Autopsy of a Dead Leader

Dr. Vinita Johnson, incisively explores the natural and spiritual process of an autopsy of a leader that is physically walking the earth, but spiritually dead and leading. A righteous relationship with God brings life and restores the dead by regenerating their minds in the renewal process through Christ Jesus. Spiritually dead leaders are sanctimoniously killing those around them by hindering their progress through ineffectively living and leading whole.


March 2021

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Stay the Course: God is Making Something Beautiful in His Time

Let's be honest. The trials and tribulations of life can cause us to feel like God has forgotten us. In this amazing read, Stay the Course, Author Janet Viers reminds us that God has not forgotten about us, nor will He ever forget about us. Though obstacles catch us by surprise, absolutely nothing catches God by surprise. He already has a plan in place to ensure that everything we endure works out for our good. Our society teaches us to want things quick and easy. Unlike the generations before us, if there is the least bit of struggle in anything, we immediately assume that it is not God's plan for our lives. In all actuality, in order for us to become who God has destined us to be, the struggle is necessary. Learning, breaking, and beauty happens in the struggle. In fact, without struggle, we become stagnant and fail to grow. The truth of the matter is, we are all on the potter's wheel! Our process on the wheel may look different from others, but make no mistake: Being on the potter's wheel is the best place to be. As long as we are on the wheel, we are still in God's hands. In this timeless read by Author Janet Viers, readers are encouraged to keeping going with certainty that God will make all things beautiful in due time. It doesn’t matter if you are a minister of the Gospel or a CEO, Stay the Course is sure to encourage you to continue running your race.


February 2021


Have Faith Like Noah

Have Faith Like Noah is a book that is going to encourage and challenge you. It is going to open your eyes in a different way than what you may have already heard, read, or listened to the story of Noah. Needless to say, I am being very real and transparent in this book. Therefore, I want you as the reader to feel my emotions through my personal stories. As you read this book, I pray that you not only share it with others but you too will be encouraged to have faith like Noah and continue to seek God through the visible sunshine and the unseen storms yet to come in your life.

Social Media Outlet:

Facebook: Sierra LaVon Jones


January 2021

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His/Her Vision Changed Everything

Are you still trying to figure out why you exist in this world? Do you want to see a change in some areas of your life and don’t know where to start? Do something; ACT NOW! This prayer journal will challenge you to write down your goals and gain clarity in some important areas of your life with the expectation to achieve them. It will prompt you to intentionally spend time with God and speak His promises over your goals and life. Get ready for Miracles, Signs, and Wonders because it only takes one thought, idea, or vision to change everything in your life for the better.

Social Media Outlets

Facebook: @visonboardinc

Instagram: @visionboardinc


December 2020

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Teach Me to Pray

90 Day Prayer Journal

This journal, written and designed by 9 year old Lové Griggs, gives you a simple way to be consistent in your prayer life. Teach Me to Pray is great for all ages and people at all levels in the Christian walk, from the newest Christian learning to pray to the seasoned Christian who has been praying for decades.


November 2020


Fit for the Kingdom

A Spiritual Fitness Devotional

Stop. Find a mirror. Quick! Do you see what I see? You are absolutely stunning. What is even more amazing is what human eyes can not see, and that’s your beautiful, healthy spirit. This devotional was designed just for well-rounded, kingdom minded servants of God. People just like you. Allow this devotional to serve you as you embark upon your journey to complete wellness – physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is designed to encourage and equip you to live a healthier lifestyle in conjunction with the Word of God. By committing to this devotional, you will learn what it truly means to be Fit for the Kingdom. These devotionals only take two to three minutes to read. That’s shorter than the time it takes you to upload the perfect selfie to Instagram! After you read each devotional, journal your thoughts. Writing can be so therapeutic! It’s a great way to chart your spiritual growth. Here’s to being truly Fit for the Kingdom! What are you waiting for?



October 2020

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Fearful but Faithful

We often think of fear as the enemy of faith, but what if we're wrong about that? What if you only exercise great faith if you've had to push past great fears in obedience to your calling? The bible character Gideon's story was marked by fear and timidity, yet Hebrews 11:32 indicates there isn't even enough time to tell all Gideon was able to accomplish through faith in God. The Hebrews chapter 11, verse 32 of your life has yet to be penned, but when it is, can the same be said of you? Gideon was fearful, but he was faithful, and you can be, too!

Social Media Outlets
Facebook: @DrDeeKnight

Instagram: @DrDeeKnight

Twitter: @DrDeeKnight

YouTube: @DrDeeKnight


September 2020

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Purity on Purpose

What’s keeping you from living a life of purity? Nine times out of ten, you aren’t living as purely as you should because you really don’t understand what purity is all about! Living a life of purity isn’t about wearing skirts to your ankles, or shirts down to your wrists. It’s about improving the condition of your heart and avoiding the things you allow to come between you and God! Join Author Tiffany Lavender on a 25-Day journey of understanding purity. In this short, easy-to-read devotional, you will understand what it means to live a life of purity, and how you can begin to honor God in your purity, on purpose.

Social Media Outlets
Facebook: Tiffany Lavender
Instagram: @tiffany_lavender
YouTube: Tiffany Lavender


August 2020


It’s Simple

Simple Recipes to Reduce Your Food Cost

As a busy wife, homeschooling mother of three, author, minister, and entrepreneur, Victoria Griggs understands the need to reduce your monthly expenses and keep food on the table.

Victoria has included many tips and recipes to help you reduce your monthly food expense by preparing your own meals without being in the kitchen for hours.

Social Media Outlets
Facebook: @thegoodn3wsgirl
Instagram: @thegoodn3wsgirl