
What people are saying about Yolanda D. Turner and Pocket Prayers

I have watched Yolanda’s past misery transform into a beautiful Ministry. She has a passion for all women, but especially those who are hurting. She is committed to praying for and with as many women that the Lord will lead her way. Her warm smile and passionate heart create a safe environment and draws in women. Her heart felt, Spirit led prayers bring comfort and inspire hope in times of despair.  Her study of God’s Word is what guides her prayer life and enables her to pray God’s Will.

Watching Yolanda’s Ministry evolve is such an awesome thing to witness. God continues to elevate her to new levels, and she continues to persevere. I believe this book will serve as a resource to reach the masses. It will provide Spirit-filled prayers that you can carry with you and have at a moment’s notice. This book will be a great resource when you find yourself going through some type of adversity or some other unforeseen life-altering situation, and you cannot find your own words to pray.  I believe this book will be a God sent tool, birthed out of prayer and devotional time in the presence of God by Yolanda!

——Esther G.

One of the primary goals of every Born-Again Believer is to mimic and emulate the life of Jesus. One of the greatest ways to do this is to follow His pattern of prayer. Jesus is, at this very moment, seated at the right hand of the Father in intercession for us. 

I thank God that He has raised up this great woman of God to produce and publish literature legacy of prayer so that others may glean and benefit from this gift. Yolanda Tuner has awesomely created a prayer catalog that will undoubtedly encourage each reader in their time of spiritual need. 

——Pastor Daryl Arnold, Overcoming Believers Church Knoxville, TN

Yolanda and I have walked closely this past season. She leads a Holy Spirit sensitive Bible study that I attend weekly.  We have prayed together, cried together, laughed together, and rejoiced together. Her strong voice for the Holy Spirit has been inspiring to me. She not only hears His voice clearly; she boldly declares His directives with His authority. Her prayers and her teachings have blessed my own daughters.  

——Jami T.

Yolanda has been my partner in prayer for many years. She has become a sister to me. I know God has a mighty plan for her and this book. I have seen how her “Morning Glory” has helped women in their daily devotion. I have been with her when she has met these women face to face at conferences and book signings. She prays with each one of these women who are hurting.

 Proverbs 31:20, she stretches her hand to the poor; yea, she reaches forth her hands to the needy. I have been that needy woman and Yolanda has been and will continue to be the Proverbs 31:20 women.

——Kelly O

As her Pastor, I am honored and humbled to write this foreword for Yolanda Turner.  I was blessed by reading her first devotional book, and I am looking forward to the blessings from her second edition.

I have known Yolanda’s husband, Greg, for approximately fifteen years or more and have been blessed to have known Yolanda for the past ten years. Her passion for prayer and devotion has been a glaring characteristic. 

Prayer, for Yolanda, is more than a teaching topic; it is a way of life.

Yolanda’s life is the by-product of prayer.  She has overcome many personal struggles through prayer, and she wants the reader not to be a victim to circumstances but victorious over their circumstances.  Thus, the theme of this book is winning in life through prayer. 

Yolanda epitomizes being a prayer warrior.  She is called to be a prayer warrior.  She has the heart of God as it relates to prayer.  Prayer is her passion and life’s pursuit.  Prayer is her divine assignment.

In this book she seeks to make prayer practical and applicable to the issues of life.  Yolanda seeks to help persons make prayer a first response, instead of a last resort.

——Pastor Troy Garner, The Fellowship of Faith Church, Huntsville and Madison, AL

I was blessed to meet Sister Yolanda Turner years ago, and her joyous smile has always lit up every space she enters. Her words are so seasoned with grace, and her whole being shines forth the One who lives on the inside. I'm excited about this new book of Pocket Prayers God has stirred her to write because I've witnessed her pray under the Holy Spirit's leading, and so many will be blessed by what the Spirit has given her to share in this valuable resource.

——Dr. Danella ‘Dee’ Knight

Fortunately, we have an eagle in Yolanda. From our first encounters I knew I was in the presence of person that was saturated in the Holy Spirit, i.e. as some carry the Holy Spirit in cup, but then there is Yolanda, so saturated that she drips the Holy Spirit everywhere and every encounter that is in her presence (Joshua 1:3-4). To reach the heights that she is soaring is a direct reflection of her prayer life in the past, present and her future positioning. She will show you the strength of an eagle that kills its prey that is ten times its size through these “pocket prayers” as she tackled domestic violence, divorce, poverty, and single parenting.  She will also give you direction of how to pray more meditative prayers for various trials and tribulations that we may encounter (John 16:33). The highest compliment that I can personally pay a tribute is the act of discipline. Christ Jesus gave us a commandment in (Matt. 28:18-20) to make disciples; you cannot be a disciple without being disciplined. Because of her disciplined prayer life, it has led her to a life of selfless prayers for countless others, and yes she has spent years in various ministries, but her ministry of prayer and interceding has her soaring high into the heavens even beyond the clouds.

You are at a great point, even if you feel you are still on the ground floor of prayer. This resource may start by allowing Yolanda to carry you into the Heavenly skies; and getting your stints of flying, but very soon you will find yourself soaring beyond the clouds and diving back down to get the prey and right back up to heights of the Heavenly skies and seeking more and more from Christ Jesus. So, to follower her lead in prayer with this resource, as she has dedicated and living a life of consecration to prayer, she has shown herself approved and soaring after Christ Jesus.

——Pastor Corey Jewell-Taylor, Church of Destiny, Madison, AL

I am so blessed to call Mrs. Yolanda my Spiritual Mom. By her giving God a YES, I, as well as many other ladies in LACE, have been given a safe place to be open and vulnerable enough to peel back the layers and grow spiritually. My walk with God, my marriage with my husband, and my relationship with my children and others are stronger because of her YES. I am forever grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross.

I have experienced her prayer life firsthand on a weekly basis. The content in this book is not mere head knowledge, but it clearly testifies of Mrs. Yolanda’s own personal experiences and encounters with God through prayer. I know that this book will be a blessing to anyone who touches it.

——Victoria G.

My favorite part of Pocket Prayers is the Prayer Log, especially have a date to put answered prayers.

——Joanna C.

I’m really enjoying The Pocket Prayers Book. Thank you so much for keeping God’s Word in our lives and for your prayers.

——Netta G.

5.0/5.0 stars

Best confession book ever!

One of my favorite things to do is confess the scripture out loud. I love turning them into personal confessions and this book allows me to do just that!

Simply amazing!

—— Jessica T., Amazon

What people are saying about Yolanda D. Turner and Morning Glory

“You should purchase this wonderful devotional. I did for myself and others. We were all strengthened through the Word. The scriptures along with the life lessons are most helpful. The prayers are so helpful and hopeful. The devotional hits on our daily life events, our weaknesses, our mental outlooks, our heart, and our spiritual position; then we must examine our daily walk. We must be truthful which is not always easy. Morning Glory is powerful and written with counsel that speaks to our hearts. The prayers are endearing and touch the fibers of your heart giving you insight. It reminds us of how MUCH God’s love for us keeps and comforts. It also reminds us of His mercies and His grace and His peace He gives to us when we are obedient to His Word. I will praise the Lord for He is worthy to be praised.”

——Julia U.

“I’m so excited to start this study. My precious sister Yolanda has been a blessing to me and I love her dearly. God bless you my sister in this new journey God has you walking.”

—Kelly O.

“I have never met a more humble and beautiful soul than my sweet sister Yolanda Turner, I love you and am so thankful that God crossed my journey with yours! You are an inspiration! If you suffer from domestic violence, know this! You are not alone and you can overcome!” 

—Krishna G.

“If you all like devotions I am sure this will bless your heart... This is a precious friend who dearly loves our Heavenly Father... Proceeds from this book go towards domestic violence for the month of October, so please consider this devotion... God bless you sweet Yolanda, so thankful and blessed to call you my friend.... I love you so much.”

 —Ann B-H.

“You are an awesome woman of God. Thank you for sharing your journey and willingness to help others. Amazing Interview!”

—Flicia R.

“Your devotional book is so WOW especially for folks that struggles with doing a bible study.”

—MaryEvelyn K.

“God has released a new author from His Kingdom “Yolanda Turner”. This was no ordinary book signing! The Tabernacle of Love is looking forward to growing with you and family both now and the future. May you have favor with God and Man with Morning Glory Devotional.”

—Christopher H. 

“I love reading Morning Glory Devotional!'“

—LaBrina G.

“Thank you, Yolanda Turner for sharing your story. I can’t wait to dive into Morning Glory Devotional!”

—Cindy S.

Breath of Fresh Air” Five STARS*****

—Kristen C.

I love this. I keep it on my desk at work. It gives me the inspiration I need to get through tough painful days. I start my day reading this, just a few pages gives me the strength to deal what the job throws at me. On bad days, I take a breather and stick my nose back in Morning Glory to get recharged. Yolanda is very inspirational, someday I would love to meet her.

—Melinda M.

5.0/5.0 stars

Uplifting and Encouraging!

 This book is perfect for starting your day! It has given me focus and strength to go through my day; having my head held high, and knowing God is on my side!

—— Jessica T., Amazon